Arabic Dictionaries Media for Learning Arabic
Dictionaries (Qawāmis and Ma’ājim in Arabic terms) were a medium
Dictionaries (Qawāmis and Ma’ājim in Arabic terms) were a medium
Title: Asālīb Bināi Manhaj At-Ta‘allum Al-Madji ‘Alā Asās Al-Madkhal Al-Itisālī
Listening skills (maharah al-istima ‘) is one of the fundamental
The substance of education is knowledge transformation process. Therefore, it
Derasnya arus globalisasi merupakan tantangan dunia pendidikan yang harus dihadapi
Pendidikan sebagai usaha meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia baik secara lahiriyah
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Hello, I am a lecturer in Arabic Language for Non-Native Speakers at the University of Darussalam Gontor. I have huge expertise in Arabic Testing, Arabic Research Methodology, and Arabic Teaching Strategy.